All DnD 5e Books: A Complete List (Updated for March 2025)
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We break out of every official Dungeons & Dragon fifth edition book published to-date by Wizards of the Coast
First introduced in 2014, the fifth edition of D&D (better known as DnD 5e) has since spawned dozens of books from publisher Wizards of the Coast. For new players and Dungeon Masters, this can often be overwhelming, and it’s hard to know where to start.
Below, we break out the complete list of all DnD 5e books published to date. For ease of reference we’ve categorized them by Core Rules, Supplements, Campaign Settings and Adventures. For each book we’ve also indicated the date when it was released and noted whether the book is geared towards players or Dungeon Masters. In addition, we’ve included the abbreviation for each book, as you may see these used by fans and publishers to refer to a specific title online.
Finally, we’ve also included upcoming books that have been announced by Wizards of the Coast, and will update this list as new books are published, so check back regularly for new titles.
Table of Contents
Core Rule Books
Three core rule books form the basis of the DnD 5e system. If you’re interested in being a Dungeon Master, you’ll need all three books to get started. If you’re interested in playing, however, The Player’s Handbook will have everything you need to make a character and learn the basic rules of the game. It’s worth noting that while the original DnD 5e core rule books have been around since 2014, new versions will be coming out in 2024 as part of the One D&D update.

Player’s Handbook (PHB)
Published: August 2014
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
This complete guide for players contains all of the DnD 5e core rules, covering everything from character creation and combat, to exploration and class features.
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Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG)
Published: December 2014
Who is it for: Dungeon Masters
This reference guide for DMs includes additional information on the rules included in the Player’s Handbook, as well as tips and advice for running adventures and building out your own unique campaign world.
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Monster Manual (MM)
Published: September 2014
Who is it for: Dungeon Masters
A compendium of creatures for DnD 5e adventures, the book includes classic D&D monsters like dragons, giants and beholders, as well as new monsters which are unique to fifth edition. Notably, this book has also inspired a variety of other third-party DnD monster books.
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Player’s Handbook (2024)
Published: September 17th, 2024
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
The 2024 Player’s Handbook marks a major update of the existing DnD fifth edition rules, introducing significant changes to classes, subclasses, backgrounds, species, spells, feats and more. It also introduces a new Weapon Mastery system, a revised page structure, new character sheet format and variety of tweaks to existing rules such as Exhaustion, Surprise, Inspiration and Crafting. In short, it represents a major new system for the game which players and Wizards of the Coast are now referring to simply as “DnD 2024.”
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New Dungeon Master’s Guide
Published: November 12th, 2024
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
The new 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide is also part of the rules update that was made to the DnD 5e system. The book offers reorganized content, making it easier to use by both new and existing DMs to get started and find what they’re looking for. The new DMG also features a sample campaign set in the world of Greyhawk, introduces new rules for crafting magical items and offers Bastion rules that allows players to build and manage a homebase.
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New Monster Manual
Published: February 18th, 2025
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
According to Wizards of the Coast, the primary purpose of the new 2025 Monster Manual will be to introduce a number of new creatures, address player concerns and work with the changes being made to the DnD 5e rules. Additionally, the book will integrate with content from other related publication, including Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and Volo’s Guide to Monsters.The book will also include changes to monster Challenge Ratings (CR), along with new monster lore and backgrounds, new artwork and the introduction of new monster “families.”
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These particular DnD 5e books include additional rules to help expand your game play experience. The content itself includes new DnD 5e classes, monsters, spells, magic items and optional rules which can be dropped into your existing adventure or campaign setting.

Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGtM)
Published: November 2016
Who is it for: Dungeon Masters
Narrated by the legendary explorer Volo, this sourcebook offers a variety of new and exotic monsters, breaking out information on their stats, ecology and behavior. While the monsters listed primarily live in the Forgotten Realms world, they can easily be adapted for almost any DnD setting.
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Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGtE)
Published: November 2017
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Narrated by the Beholder crimelord Xanathar, this comprehensive book features a variety of player options, including new subclasses, spells and feats. It also offers a bit of additional advice for DMs on how to run adventures and establish ongoing campaigns.
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Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (MToF)
Published: May 2018
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Narrated by the powerful wizard Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame, this sourcebook includes a number of new playable DnD races, as well as a large selection of monsters and detailed lore on various factions and forces in the DnD 5e multiverse.
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Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (TCoE)
Published: November 2020
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Narrated by the archmage Tasha, this supplement introduces a number of new subclasses, spells, magic items and optional rules, as well as providing guidance to players for creating more unique characters.
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Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (FToD)
Published: October 2021
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Narrated by the wizard Fizban the Fabulous of Dragonlance fame, this sourcebook focuses on the world of dragons, including new draconic subclasses, spells, and magic items, as well as DM advice on running dragon-focused campaigns.
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Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMotM)
Published: May 2022
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Another book narrated by the sorcerer Mordenkainen, this book includes a number of monsters from across different D&D settings and plane of existence. It also features a variety of new player races and offers clarifications on some of the previously established DnD 5e rules from the Player’s Handbook.
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Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants (BPGotG)
Published: August 2023
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Narrated by Bigby, a powerful wizard from DnD lore, this supplement explores the unique world of giantkind. The book also provide players and DMs with new rules, spells and magic items, as well as new giants and giant-related creatures to encounter. (Read our review).
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The Book of Many Things (TBoMT)
Published: January 2024
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
The Book of Many Things is a new DnD 5e collection that’s actually three items in one. First, it contains a deck of 66 specialty cards that feature the original 22 cards in the Deck of Many Things, along with 44 new cards. The set also contains a 192-page sourcebook detailing the lore and history of the Deck of Many Things, including adventure hooks and how to integrate the artifact into a campaign. Finally, the set contains an 80-page card reference guide that provides instructions on how to use the deck in a game.
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Campaign Settings
While Dungeon Masters can create their own campaign worlds, Wizards of the Coast has also produced a number of detailed pre-made campaign settings that include background, history, lore and player character options. This includes classic campaign settings like the Forgotten Realms (which has appeared in both past editions and newer DnD 5e books), as well as worlds such Exandria (based on the Critical Role podcast) and the city of Ravnica (based on the popular Magic the Gathering card game).

Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG)
Published: November 2015
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A sourcebook focused on the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms (which includes popular locations such as the cities of Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter), this book provides lore, monsters, player subclasses, spells and adventure hooks for DMs.
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Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica (GGtR)
Published: November 2018
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A crossover with the Magic: The Gathering card game (which is also owned by Wizards of the Coast), this sourcebook introduces the city-plane of Ravnica and its various guilds, as well as providing a variety of new player subclasses, spells, monsters and magic items.
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Acquisitions Incorporated (AI)
Published: June 2019
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A sourcebook focused on the titular adventuring company popularized by the Penny Arcade podcast, this book offers background info on the Forgotten Realms, as well providing rules and guidelines for including corporate shenanigans into your existing DnD 5e campaigns.
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Eberron: Rising from the Last War (ERftLW)
Published: November 2019
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A sourcebook focused on the world of Eberron (a world filled with magic, pulp adventure and steampunk technology), the book offers a ton of background information, including the history, cities, races and lore. It also introduces a variety of new subclasses and adventure ideas for DMs interested in running a campaign in the setting.
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Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (EGtW)
Published: March 2020
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
This book details information on the continent of Wildemount, set in the world of Exandria (the setting featured in the Critical Role podcast). The book includes a variety of subclasses, spells, magic items and monsters, as well as a several introductory adventures designed for Dungeon Masters looking to start a campaign in Wildemount.
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Mythic Odysseys of Theros (MOoT)
Published: July 2020
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Another tie-in with the Magic: The Gathering card game, this campaign sourcebook is focused on the world of Theros, a land inspired by ancient Greek mythology. The book provides extensive background on the history, locations, monsters and gods of Theros, as well as presenting new subclasses, spells, magic items and adventure hooks.
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Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft (VRGtR)
Published: May 2021
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A sourcebook focused on the Domains of Dread popularized in past DnD editions and inspired by the classic Ravenloft setting, this book is narrated by the scholar and vampire hunter Rudolph van Richten, and offers new lore, subclasses and campaign ideas for players looking to experience DnD 5e in a world of gothic horror.
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Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (SACoC)
Published: December 2021
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
Another crossover with Magic: The Gathering, this sourcebook introduces the magical college of Strixhaven, a kind of DnD version of Hogwarts where individuals from various realms of existence travel to study the arcane arts. This particular book provides background information on the five Colleges of magic which make up Strixhaven’s core faculty, and provides new subclasses, spells, magic items and campaign ideas.
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Spelljammer: Adventures in Space (SAiS)
Published: August 2022
Who is It for: Players & Dungeon Masters
A 5e update the Spelljammer campaign setting that has appeared in past DnD editions, this book introduces the concept of magical ships that allow players to explore the vast wilds of space. It includes information on various locations (such as dwarven asteroid cities), as well as introduces a wide range of creatures, spells, magic items and subclasses. Notably, the box set also includes a complete campaign as well as additional adventure ideas.
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Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse (PAitM)
Published: October 2023
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
The first DnD 5e update to the popular Planescape setting, this collection actually contains three separate books. The first is a 96-page sourcebook entitled Sigil and the Outlands which provides background on the world and lore of Planscape. The second book is Morte’s Planar Parade, a 64-page collection of various monsters that inhabit the city of Sigil and the nearby regions. Finally, the last book is a 96-page adventure entitled Turn of Fortune’s Wheel which takes the players on a journey through the multiverse to uncover a “glitch” behind reality itself. The new three-box slipcase set will also include a DM screen and a poster map.
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These DND 5e books are either focused on complete campaigns (which follow a story arc and take players over multiple levels) or are collections of standalone DnD one shot adventures (that can be added to existing DnD 5e campaigns or played in a single session). Notably, there are also adventures included in the various Campaign Settings. For example Spelljammer campaign box set contains the adventure Light of Xaryxis. That being said, the books below are all purely focused on campaigns or adventures, and as such are designed to be read solely by Dungeon Masters.

Hoard of the Dragon Queen (HotDQ)
Published: August 2014
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
This campaign takes players from Levels 1 to 8, with the story focused on the payers stopping the dreaded Cult of the Dragon from releasing the evil dragon goddess Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells. The adventure itself takes players to a variety of different locations throughout the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms where they encounter numerous monsters, magic items and factions.
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The Rise of Tiamat (TRoT)
Published: November 2014
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
The sequel to Hoard of the Dragon Queen, this campaign takes players from Levels 8 to 15 and is focused on the final battle against the forces of Tiamat and the Cult of the Dragon. Players must choose which forces to ally themselves with or battle against in order to take on a variety of incredibly powerful NPCs and monsters.
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Princes of the Apocalypse (PotA)
Published: April 2015
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
An epic campaign set in the Forgotten Realms, Princes of the Apocalypse is designed to take characters from Levels 1 to 15 and is focused on the players battling four elemental cults who have been unleashing a string of natural disasters. The story largely takes place in the North of Faerûn and the lore also borrows heavily from the classic AD&D adventure module The Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Out of the Abyss (OutA)
Published: September 2015
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms, a vast subterranean world popularized in the Legend of Drizzt books, this campaign is designed to take characters from Levels 1 to 15. The adventure begins with players captured by dark elves and eventually leads to numerous other locations throughout the Underdark, with players encountering the various monsters and races which inhabit the deadly nocturnal realm.
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Curse of Strahd (CoS)
Published: March 2016
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Based on the original Ravenloft module for AD&D published in 1983, this revamped DnD 5e campaign takes place in the realm of Barovia, a land of gothic horror ruled by the dreaded vampire lord Count Strahd von Zarovich. Players are taken form Levels 1-10 as they explore Barovia, battle undead creatures and terrifying monstrosities, and eventually take on Strahd himself in an epic showdown.
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Storm King’s Thunder (SKT)
Published: September 2016
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the Forgotten Realms, this adventures takes players from Levels 1-10. The plot involves the characters investigating the cause of an uprising of monstrous giants that threatens the Sword Coast. Focused heavily on giant lore, the adventure takes players to numerous locations including ancient ruins and flying castles, where they must battle powerful monsters in a quest to uncover the secret of the giant invasion.
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Tales from the Yawning Portal (TftYP)
Published: April 2017
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A collection of seven classic DnD adventures updated to the 5e rule set, this book is geared towards players looking for a dungeon crawling experience. The adventures themselves can either be played individually or as part of a larger story arc and cover a wide variety of player levels. Notably, the collection includes some of the most popular (and challenging) old school DnD adventures, including The Sunless Citadel, Tomb of Horrors and White Plume Mountain.
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Tomb of Annihilation (ToA)
Published: September 2017
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the jungles of Chult (a remote continent located in the Forgotten Realms), this campaign takes players from Levels 1 to 11. Inspired by the 1975 DnD adventure module Tomb of Horrors, the adventure sets players on a dangerous quest to find and stop the source of a deadly curse. Along the way, they’ll face countless traps, monsters, unscrupulous NPCs and ancient magical forces.
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Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (WDH)
Published: September 2018
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the city of Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms, this adventure takes players from Levels 1-5 as they set out on a quest to recover a stolen hoard of gold hidden somewhere inside the City of Splendors. The campaign is notable for offering a variety of different ways to complete the quest, and features an array of different optional villains that are tied to specific seasons in the city.
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Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (WDotMM)
Published: November 2018
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
The follow-up to Dragon Heist, this series of adventures is designed for players of levels 5-20 and takes place in Undermountain, an infamous, sprawling dungeon created centuries ago by the powerful sorcerer Halaster Blackcloak. Players must navigate the various levels of the dungeon, each with its own unique challenges and monsters. Along the way, they’ll encounter powerful enemies, traps, and puzzles, all while trying to uncover the mystery of the Mad Mage himself.
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Stranger Things: The Hunt for Thessalhydra
Published: April 2019
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Based on the popular Stranger Things Netflix show, this starter set adventure is designed for new players and features pre-generated characters and a simplified DnD 5e rule set.
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Ghosts of Saltmarsh (GoS)
Published: May 2019
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the world of Greyhawk, this series of nautical-themed adventures can be played in sequence as a campaign or run individually as DnD one shots. Designed for players of Levels 1-11, the action kicks off near the seafaring town of Saltmarsh, with players eventually exploring the area and facing off against pirates, sea monsters and other dangers on the high seas.
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Essentials Kit (EK)
Published: September 2019
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A starter set designed for new players, this kit includes a simplified rule set, pre-generated characters, and the popular adventure The Lost Mine of Phandelver, which is set in the Forgotten Realms and takes the players from Level 1-5. The story finds the players on the hunt for a fabled dwarven kingdom, while battling goblins, bandits and a devious villain working from the shadows.
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Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus (BGDiA)
Published: September 2019
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
This epic campaign takes players on a journey to stop a plot to unleash demonic forces into the Forgotten Realms, taking players from level 1 to 13. The series of adventures starts out in the city of Baldur’s Gate and eventually leads into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, which is ruled by the twisted Archdevil Zariel.
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Dungeons & Dragons vs Rick and Morty (DDvRM)
Published: March 2019
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A tie-in with the popular Rick and Morty animated TV series, this series of adventures combines an old school DnD dungeon crawling experience with the twisted humor and over-the-top violence the show is known for. The adventures themselves take players from Levels 1-3.
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Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (IDRotF)
Published: September 2020
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the frozen north of the Forgotten Realms in the region of Icewind Dale, this campaign takes players on a quest to stop an ancient evil and restore order to the land in the wake of a never-ending winter. The adventures feature a mix of exploration and combat encounters and take players from level 1 to 12.
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Candlekeep Mysteries (CM)
Published: March 2021
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A collection of 17 short, mystery-themed adventures designed for characters of levels 1-16, this unique anthology can be played either in sequence or individually within an existing campaign. The action centers around the library of Candlekeep in the Forgotten Realms, with the adventures ranging from DnD murder mysteries to criminal investigations, each of which is based around a particular magical book.
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The Wild Beyond The Witchlight (TWBTW)
Published: September 2021
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the Feywild, a whimsical plane of fairy tale creatures, carnivals and powerful magic, the campaign itself takes characters from Levels 1 to 8. The story takes place in the land of Prismeer, where characters are tasked with finding out why a dark presence has invaded the once peaceful realm. In addition to the campaign, the book also features several new races, subclasses and magic items.
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Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep (CRCotN)
Published: March 2022
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Inspired by the campaigns featured in the Critical Role podcast, this adventure takes place in the land of Exandria, with players tasked with uncovering the secret behind an ancient underwater realm known as the Netherdeep. The campaign itself is designed to take characters from Level 3-12 and also explores a large area of the continent of Wildemount.
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Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (JTtRC)
Published: July 2022
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
An anthology containing 13 individual adventures designed for players from Level 1 to 14, this DnD 5e book is unique in that it explores a variety of lands inspired by real-world cultures. This includes worlds based on the mythologies and histories of Central America, Vietnam and even the American South.
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Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle (DoSI)
Published: October 2022
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A beginner-friendly adventure designed for characters of levels 1-3, this module takes place on a remote island off the Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms and finds the characters caught up in a deadly conflict between two factions of warring dragons. Notably, the game does include pre-generated characters, although players can make their own if they choose.
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Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen (DSotDQ)
Published: December 2022
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Set in the world of Dragonlance (a popular setting that has appeared in numerous previous editions of DnD), this campaign book takes players from Levels 1 to 11 and finds them caught up in a devastating war between the forces of Krynn and an army lead by the ruthless dragon goddess Takhisis. The campaign book also includes new world info, subclasses, races and magic items.
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Tyranny of Dragons Re-release (ToD)
Published: January 2023
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
This relatively new DnD 5e book is essentially a reprint that collects the Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat campaigns into a single hardcover edition, taking players from Levels 1 to 15. The book does contain some minor updates, but is otherwise unchanged from the original editions which were released over a decade ago.
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Keys from the Golden Vault (KftGV)
Published: February 2023
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
This anthology collects 13 standalone heist-themed adventures designed for players of Levels 1 to 11. As with other DnD 5e anthologies, these adventures can be played consecutively or run as individual one shots. Each adventure focuses on a particular heist, with players having the flexibility to plan and carry out their mission as they see it. The book also introduces The Golden Vault, a secretive organization dedicated to protecting the multiverse from dangerous magical artifacts.
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Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk (PaBTSO)
Published: September 2023
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
A remake of the popular The Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure, this new Phandelver campaign is designed to take players from Levels 1 to 12 and combines a classic D&D story arc with a touch of horror. The story also explores the strange Black Obelisks that have appeared in other D&D campaigns, and introduces a number of new magic items and monsters.
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Vecna: Eve of Ruin
Published: May 21st, 2024
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Venca: Eve of Ruin is a high-level campaign for DnD 5e designed for Level 10 to 20 characters. The story focuses on the legendary arch-lich Vecna (a legendary BBEG from DnD lore) who is attempting to complete a dark ritual that will obliterate the gods and subjugate all worlds to his will. To stop Vecna before can remake existence in his image, players will have to work with three of the multiverse’s most famous archmages, travel across the planes of existence themselves and rebuild the legendary Rod of Seven Parts. The adventure begins in the Forgotten Realms, with players then traveling to Planescape, Spelljammer, Eberron, Ravenloft, Dragonlance and Greyhawk as they race to stop Vecna’s ritual.
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Quests from the Infinite Staircase
Published: July 16th, 2024
Who is It for: Dungeon Masters
Quests from the Infinite Staircase is similar to Tales from the Yawning Portal in that it’s a collection of six classic DnD adventures from older editions that have been updated for the new DnD 5e rules set. These can be played individually or as part of a connected campaign that features the powerful genie Nafas (a new character to NPC lore) who grants the wishes of those in need via the Infinite Staircase, a multiverse-spanning portal to numerous planes of existence.
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Upcoming DnD 5e Books
Below are the current books slated for the remainder of 2025.

Dragon Delves Anthology
Coming: July 8th, 2025
This new collection of 10 short adventures will be the first book to use the new DnD 2024 rules. As the name suggests, each adventure is focused around one particular dragon. The adventures will be suitable for a range of character tier levels and can be played together or run as individual one-shots.
Learn More About the Dragon Delves Anthology

Eberron: Forge of the Artificer
Coming: August 19th, 2025
A companion book to Eberron: Rising from the Last War, the book will include new backgrounds, new Bastion options and expanded rules for airships. The book will also feature some significant changes to both lore and mechanics that are specific to Eberron, including removing species requirements for Dragonmarked Houses and updating the Koravar elf-elf species. The book will also feature the new Artificer class and include three adventures that can be reworked to create a complete campaign. Notably it will also feature a shorter page count and a new price point.
Learn More About “Eberron: Forge of the Artificer“

DnD Starter Set “Heroes of the Borderland”
Coming: September 16th, 2025
What Is It: Like past DnD starter sets, this product will be designed for new Dungeon Masters and players to learn the basics of the game. The box set will include dice, character sheets and a complete adventure based on the classic Keep on the Borderlands adventure module from 1979. The new adventure is entitled Heroes of the Borderlands and will be divided into three separate booklets: one focused on the titular keep, one exploring the Wilderness and one centred around the dreaded Caves of Chaos.
Learn More About the DnD Starter Set “Heroes of the Borderland”

Forgotten Realms Player Guide
Coming: November 11th, 2025
In this new player-focused book, DnD returns to the Forgotten Realms, offering a ton of new rules options, including new subclasses, feats, backgrounds and spells. In addition it includes more lore and setting details and information on noteworthy factions like the Harpers, Zhentarim and Red Wizards of Thay.
Learn More About the Forgotten Realms Sourcebooks

Forgotten Realms Adventure Guide
Coming: November 11th, 2025
Designed solely for Dungeon Masters, this new sourcebook goes beyond the familiar and oft-explored Sword Coast region to focus on five key settings in Faerûn: Baldur’s Gate, Calimshan, the Dalelands, the Moonshae Isles and Icewind Dale. The book will also include adventure hooks, new monsters and new magic items.
Learn More About the Forgotten Realms Adventure Guide
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Ollie Delano is a Staff Writer who lives in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in Journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He’s been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over 10 years and currently plays in a weekly game group where he rolls way too many natural 1s and chugs way too much Mountain Dew. His favorite D&D campaign setting is Eberron and his favorite character to play was a Tiefling rogue named Draxiss who enjoys both literal and figurative backstabbing.
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