DnD 2024 Free Rules Now Feature All Three Core Books
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The new 2024 version of Dungeons & Dragons is finally upon us, with a new Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual available in digital and physical formats. Fans, however, can actually give the new rules a spin without spending a single copper piece thanks to the the DnD 2024 Free Rules, which are available now on D&D Beyond.
While this digital content doesn’t include everything you’d get in the full paid version of the three DnD 2024 core books, it’s actually more than enough to run a full campaign for as long you and your group want. One thing to note is that while the rules are available at no cost, you do need to have a D&D Beyond account. although you can always subscribe to the unpaid version if you don’t already have an account.
So just what’s included in these free DnD 2024 rules now that all three core books have been added? Below we break out all the details.

Free Rules from the 2024 Player’s Handbook
Pulling content directly from the 2024 Player’s Handbook, the free rules on D&D Beyond include the following:
- Basic Rules of Play: This covers all the basic mechanics of play, including D20 Tests, proficiencies and the six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, etc.). It also includes rules for exploration, social interaction and combat. Best of all, the free rules feature the Rules Glossary (which is arguably one of the best features of the new 2024 Player’s Handbook).
- Character Creation Process: This section of the free rules provides step-by-step guidance on how to make a DnD character, including choosing a Background and Origin Feats. It also includes the mechanics of levelling up, multi-classing and choosing new Feats.
- Character Classes: One of the most surprising features is that the free rules include all the core 12 classes that featured in the paid 2024 PHB (namely, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard). This includes all of the mechanics which govern each class at all levels of play.
- Species: One disappointing aspect of the the free rules is that the only contain options for four species: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling and Human. Not included are the Aasimar, Dragonborn, Gnome, Goliath, Orc, and Tiefling (which are available only in the paid version of the 2024 PHB).

- Character Subclasses: The free rules also only contain only 12 subclasses (one for each primary class). This is significantly different than the paid 2024 PHB, which includes 48 subclasses (four for each primary class). That being said, there’s still a lot to draw on and the 12 free subclasses are: Path of the Berserker (Barbarian), College of Lore (Bard), Life Domain (Cleric), Circle of the Land (Druid), Champion (Fighter), Warrior of the Open Hand (Monk), Oath of Devotion (Paladin), Hunter (Ranger), Thief (Rogue), Draconic Sorcery (Sorcerer), Fiend Patron (Warlock), Evoker (Wizard)
- Weapons and Armor: The free 2024 D&D Beyond rules also cover all of the stats and mechanics for various weapons and their properties, along with armor types and Weapon Mastery.
- Magic Items and Crafting: Also included are the rules around basic magic items as well as the DnD 2024 Crafting rules.
- Spellcasting. The free content on D&D Beyond also covers how characters gain and cast spells. This includes complete descriptions over 300 spells (a little shy of the 400+ spells available in the paid version of the 2024 Player’s Handbook).

Free Rules from the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide
Repurposing much of the content from the 2024 DMG, the free D&D Beyond rules contain the following content:
- DM Basics: This covers the role of the Dungeon Master and the tools needed for running a session. It also offers guidance on pacing, handling player actions and making rulings. Additionally, it provides advice on maintaining player engagement and resolving disputes.
- Combat and Encounters: This section covers initiative, attack rolls and running encounters. It also includes guidance on balancing combat and adjusting difficulty for different party levels.
- DM’s Toolbox: This section covers some of the most common elements DMs will use, including dungeon design, building traps, handling character deaths and using random tables.
- Magic Items: This chapter of the free rules provides advice on how and when to give out magic items. It also includes a list of almost 100 unique magic items. This is a. bit disappointing as the 2024 DMG includes over 400 unique magic items of various rarities (although there’s still plenty of great items included in the free list).
- Tracking Sheets: The D&D Beyond rules also include all the new tracking sheets included in the 2024 DMG, including sheets for game expectations, travel, NPCs, settlements, campaigns, player characters, magic items and the new Bastion system.

Free Rules from the 2024 Monster Manual
Pulling content directly out of the 2024 Monster Manual, the free rules on D&D Beyond cover the following:
- Monster Mechanics & Use: This includes advice on how and when to use monsters, as well as how to read the redesigned DnD 2024 stat block. It also includes suggestions on how to convert older 2014 monsters to the new 2024 options.
- Monsters: The free rules contain the stat blocks for nearly 200 unique monster across various challenge ratings and creature types (this is a fair bit less than the paid version of the 2024 Monster Manual contains stat blocks for over 500 unique creatures.) Sadly, the free version also miss some of the best new monsters (such as the Animal Lord, Arch-Hag, Blob of Annihilation, and Elemental Cataclysm), but there are plenty of standard creatures to draw on.

Final Thoughts
There’s no doubt that it’s expensive to pick up the three new DnD 2024 rule books in their complete form. So it’s great to see Wizards of the Coast releasing a large majority of the content completely free online. It shows that the company is really trying to be good stewards of the game, rather than focusing entirely on profits. It’s also a great way for new players to understand the basics and returning players to decide if they really want to shell out their hard earned coinage for the full version.
You can access the free DnD 2024 rules now with a subscription on D&D Beyond.
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