Elder Dragons are a staple of the Monster Hunter series. They are typically the highest tier of monsters that we see in each game, but have they returned as endgame fights in Monster Hunter Wilds, especially given that the roster of monsters is the lowest in series history?
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The answer isn’t as simple as you might think, as there are one or two big pinnacle fights in the game, but not as many as recent entries.
Ultimately, Elder Dragons aren’t in Monster Hunter Wilds. The only pinnacle fight outside of Arkveld is Gore Magala, a dangerous monster higher than an Elder Dragon that causes Frenzy, where other monsters become more deadly.
This fight takes place in Chapter 5 of the main story towards the end of the postgame. It is one of the shorter chapters, but the fight against Gore Magala is a notable one, as you will stop it from causing Frenzy to ravage the Iceshard Cliffs and nearby locales.
After you defeat Gore Magala in the story, you can fight it again through an optional quest or during a rare event when it pops up on the map. You can also encounter a Tempered Goe Magala, which is one of the hardest monsters in the game outside of a Tempered Arkveld.
This does mean that, in the traditional sense, Monster Hunter Wilds doesn’t have any Elder Dragons. Although two Elder Dragons have been datamined as coming in post-launch updates, specifically Gogmazios and Shagaru Magala. Whether that is still the case, however, we aren’t sure, as plans or content update schedules can always change.
For even more guides on Monster Hunter Wilds, be sure to check out our other pages on how to play the story with friends and how you can hide your helmet.