Monster Hunter Wilds feels easy at launch—but after a decade of fighting post-release elder dragons and Master Rank monsters, I’m not worried about the light warmup
Monster Hunter Wilds was awash in difficulty discourse before it even launched. Prerelease reviews drove the Monster Hunter subreddit into a panic, as critics forced excited hunters to ask that most terrible of questions: What if the new Monster Hunter was too easy?
Before jumping into Wilds’ highest strength hunts, I carted a single time in the entirety of Low Rank and High Rank. So yes, I’ve been having a pretty easy go. But after watching veteran hunters say World—and Rise, and just about every other Monster Hunter release over the last 14 years—was too easy, I have to ask: If that’s a conversation we have to have, why are we doing it now?
(Image credit: Capcom)
The last Monster Hunter games have had years-long lifecycles of post-release support, with free updates and paid expansions adding new challenges. In the year following World’s release, patches added endgame challenges that subjected hunters to Deviljho predations and Lunastra firestorms.